The mobile-first principle is often highlighted in web design, and I fully respect this approach. However, it doesn’t make sense to me personally. Here’s why I always prefer to start my designs with the desktop version before adapting for mobile screens.
In my opinion, good design begins with the desktop view.
The larger screen allows for the inclusion of maximum details and functionalities without compromise. Only once this version is finalized and all elements are in place does it make sense to scale down and adapt for mobile.
The desktop version allows for greater creativity.
Starting with a design that’s limited to fit a mobile screen feels like restricting creative ambition. Clients can also sense this limitation, often feeling that the design seems too “reduced” or simplified.
On desktop, it’s easier to visualize the overall user experience.
The larger screen lets you display everything at once, making it simpler to understand navigation and ergonomics.
Mobile, on the other hand, forces you to hide certain elements, which makes it harder to fully evaluate the UX at the start.
In Western countries, about 50% of users still browse on desktop. Unlike Asia or emerging markets, where mobile dominates, it’s essential not to sacrifice the desktop experience to meet mobile constraints.
For complex interfaces, it’s often necessary to create two distinct designs: one for desktop and another for mobile.
Starting with the desktop version, which showcases all functionalities, makes it easier to decide what’s essential to retain for mobile. Additionally, user expectations and needs often vary: at home on a desktop, users may explore thoroughly, while on mobile, they’re likely looking for quick information on the go.
The mobile-first approach doesn’t align with my design philosophy.
By starting with the desktop version, you maintain an overall view of the project and can push creativity to its fullest before adapting for smaller screens. This method strikes a better balance between ambition and functionality.
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