Book a table at a bar or restaurant

TABL is a Norwegian start-up building an app to allow people to book a table at a bar or restaurant. The specificity of the app is that it also allows to skip the queue at a bar or night club for a small fee, positioning TABL as a VIP type of product.


TABL logo

App interface

Book a table screen

TABL doesn’t want to reinvent the wheel, they just want it to roll faster.

The concept of booking a table at a bar or restaurant isn’t new – however, be able to skip the line in a crowded bar or night club and access the venue directly is unusual to find. TABL wants to partner with notorious and popular places in Oslo to offer their service to people who just want a smoother entrance to their favourite place.

Key ideas for this delivery were

  • Make a Premium look and feel for the app
  • Efficient booking flow
  • Easy to register an account and access the service
  • Be able to review places and rank them
  • Become a reference for places to go at night

We wanted TABL to have a premium design that reflects our brand positioning and the type of customers we aim to attract. The app needed to offer a seamless user experience, allowing people to find a place in under a minute. We wanted someone to go above and beyond, and François really overdelivered with END Agency. It exceeded our expectations, delivering a design that not only met our needs for today but also provided a solid foundation for our next features.

Sebastian Ferraz
App design

App design

The app is built around a rather minimalist design, very Scandinavian in its approach and focusing on one simple mission: find a table within 1 minute.

  • User experience
    Ultra simplified, from registering to booking a table – it should be done fast, without difficulties. Situations happens when you need to find a place quickly when already out in the city: the app answer that need.
  • Map function
    Like finding an apartment on Airbnb or a restaurant on Google Map, we implemented the map search function.
  • Simple layout design
    Straightforward design leaving space for the user experience to be efficient.

So let’s make something great together.

We love to partner with ambitious people and bring their projects to life.

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